We start out pretty much like any phaser game, with one exception - you'll note that I haven't given phaser an update function:
@game = new Phaser.Game(@width * @scale, @height * @scale, Phaser.CANVAS, '',
init: @init, preload: @preload, create: @create)
Our init and preload are also no different:
init: =>
@game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL
@game.scale.minWidth = @width * @scale
@game.scale.minHeight = @height * @scale
@game.scale.maxWidth = @width * @scale
@game.scale.maxHeight = @height * @scale
@game.scale.pageAlignVertically = true
@game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true
preload: =>
@game.load.image 'sky', 'assets/sky.png'
@game.load.image 'ground', 'assets/platform.png'
@game.load.image 'star', 'assets/star.png'
@game.load.spritesheet 'dude', 'assets/dude.png', 32, 48
Things change once we get to create.
create: =>
game = @game
@stars = game.add.group()
@platforms = game.add.group()
@scoreListener = new Phaser.Signal()
@cursors = game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys()
@ash = game.plugins.add(ash.ext.PhaserPlugin, Nodes, Components)
The Ash plugin take 2 parameters: Nodes and Components - these are simply hashed lists. A components are simple classes, for example the Collision component:
Collision: class Collision
a : null
b : null
constructor: (@a, @b) ->
While nodes are simply property lists
Nodes = do ->
CollisionNode: class CollisionNode
collision : Components.Collision
CollectorNode: class CollectorNode
collector : Components.Collector
PlayerNode: class PlayerNode
player : Components.Player
After initializing the ash plugin, we create our entities and start our systems. It's these systems that take the place of the update function:
@createLedge('ground', 400, 400)
@createLedge('ground', -150, 250)
@createStars('star', 70, 0, 12, 10)
@createPlayer('dude', 150, 350)
@createScore(16, 16, 'score: 0', fontSize: '32px', fill: '#000')
@ash.addSystem(new CollisionSystem(this), SYSTEM_RESOLVE_COLLISIONS)
@ash.addSystem(new PlayerMovementSystem(this), SYSTEM_MOVE)
@ash.addSystem(new CollectorSystem(this), SYSTEM_UPDATE)
When creating the entity, I use a parallel construction, building the phaser game object alongside the ash entity:
createBackground: (key) ->
# phaser sprite
sprite = @game.add.sprite(0, 0, key)
@game.physics.enable(sprite, PHYSICS_TO_USE)
# ash entity
sky = new ash.core.Entity('sky').add(sprite)
You can get all the code needed for this demo at https://gist.github.com/darkoverlordofdata/eb26c00c6c2bf05da1ba
It's also include as the example program for my phaser game controller plugin.
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