Tuesday, March 8, 2016

A Functional ECS

I recently changed my distro from Mint Cinnamon to ElementaryOS. My research had reached the conclusion that the issues I was having with Unity3D were due to old kernal. I'm happy to report that it's a success - I can now access the Unity Store. And with the latest 5.3.3 version, some breaking changes have been resolved. All of this allows me to get back to FSharp.

And so, I've finished up my very basic port of Entitas to FSharp. While converting the demo game, ShmupWarz, I started wondering if my systems could just be functions. And why not use FSharp's built in pattern matching instead of calling a Match api? Could I juse express my ECS directly in FSharp?

So, for example, I could write the movement system like this:

let MovementSystem (delta:float32) entity =

    match entity.Velocity, entity.Position with

    | Some(velocity), Some(position) ->
        let x = position.X + velocity.X * delta
        let y = position.Y + velocity.Y * delta
        { entity with Position = Vector2(float32 x, float32 y)}

    | _ -> entity

Where the oop version looks like this:

type MovementSystem(world:World) =

    let group = world.GetGroup(Matcher.AllOf(Matcher.Position, Matcher.Velocity))

    interface IExecuteSystem with
        member this.Execute() =

            let delta = Time.deltaTime/100.0f

            for e in (group.GetEntities()) do
                e.position.x <- e.position.x + (e.velocity.x * delta)
                e.position.y <- e.position.y + (e.velocity.y * delta)
                e.position.z <- e.position.z + (e.velocity.z * delta)

While reading this post https://bruinbrown.wordpress.com/2013/10/06/making-a-platformer-in-f-with-monogame/ I noticed that the author was using a pattern very similar to en ECS. So I played with it a bit, tweaked the naming convention, and got it working.

I went ahead and created a full game for a poc. You can see it at https://github.com/darkoverlordofdata/mono-fsharp-shmupwarz

Performance seems just as good, although I'm comparing MonoGame to Unity3D. So my next step is to try to integrate this technique with Unity.


  1. ECS as a functional one is an effective approach to the architecture of software for games, which allows increasing the possibility of flexible game creation and efficiency. Some of my friends, who compose dissertation writers have discovered similarities between designing complex systems in ECS and structuring their research strategies. Since ECS is modular in design, it might be the cause for development of more effective strategies in large-scale academic projects.

  2. Excellent reading about functional ECS! Performance is improved and complicated systems are made much simpler by the modular approach to ECS design. Speaking of streamlined design, I just purchased a men's black aviator jacket that seems to have been designed with the same ideas in mind: it's stylish, practical, and adaptable. This jacket's simple style has swiftly become my go-to for every informal gathering, much like ECS in gaming. I appreciate your thoughtful post.
