It sounds like they are made for each other. How can we integrate them?
To start, we can expose our gulpfile by appending this line:
module.exports = gulp;
Then we can access it from our cakefile:
gulp = require('./gulpfile')
task 'serve', 'open build/web in browser', ->
task 'test', 'open web/ in browser with live reload', ->
That doesn't really get us much, but we can at least access our 'legacy' script.
It turns out that gulp doesn't need to live in a gulpfile. It can thrive right in our Cakefile:
gulp = require('gulp')
webserver = require('gulp-webserver')
option '-e', '--environment [ENVIRONMENT_NAME]', 'set the environment to open in browser'
task 'serve', 'open in browser', (options) ->
env = options.environment ? 'rel'
if env is 'rel'
files = './build/web'
liveReload = false
files = './web'
liveReload = true
gulp.src(files).pipe webserver(livereload: liveReload, open:true)
Now I can preview my web page. To view the release version:
$ cake -e rel serve
Or to view the development version:
$ cake serve
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