I've finally got my mouse wheel back in Windows 7. I've tried again and again, in Control Panel > Mouse resetting the parameters on the wheel. It never seems to work. And it's been rebooted countless times in the interim.
Today, I was making sure that my Node.js tool chain worked in windows, so I could hand it off to a windows developer. The lack of scroll wheel was driving me insane - I finally had enough and said to myself "I'm fixing this before I do anything else". So, armed with the old adage that 'the wonderful thing about windows is that windows just loves to reboot' I tackled the issue. Here is what finally worked.
- Reboot.
- Enable touchpad (I hate touchpads, they trigger too often when my hands get tired). Reboot.
- Using the tray touchpad utility from Dell, I reset the pointer devices to default. Reboot.
- Went into Control Panel > Mouse, and changed my Mouse wheel params. Reset them Back. Reboot.
- At this point, the mouse wheel finally started working. I went back to the touchpad utility, and disabled it. Reboot.
- Now I have a working mouse wheel, and a disabled touch pad.