We can also use CoffeeScript as a pre-processor for the TypeScript compiler. To use modules in CoffeeScript is pretty easy, we can use the tick (`) to escape javascipt. Hopefully this will fully supported soon at the syntax level.
Suppose I create a module like this:
`import Batch from 'gdx/graphics/g2d/Batch'`
class SpriteBatch extends Batch
`export default SpriteBatch`
and then I compile like this, where my jsconfig.json file references the output from coffee:
coffee -o src/js -bc src/coffee && tsc -p jsconfig.json
And something like this is emitted by typescript into the outpur file:
define("gdx/graphics/g2d/SpriteBatch", ["require", "exports", "gdx/graphics/g2d/Batch"], function (require, exports, Batch_1) {
"use strict";
SpriteBatch = (function (superClass) {
extend(SpriteBatch, superClass);
function SpriteBatch() {
return SpriteBatch.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
return SpriteBatch;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.default = SpriteBatch;
Using typescript to build my coffescript. Why does that seem so wrong?